Certified High-Quality


Applying experience and innovation to serve aircraft programs worldwide since 1943.

We supply



Blade Antennas enable communication and are the most aerodynamic solution to an aircraft.


As Antenna experts, we specialize, design, redesign, and innovate to provide the Antenna solution you need. DG’s Antennas include off-the-shelf Antennas for commercial and military applications, as well as custom and modified designs for specific aircraft programs.

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Dayton-Granger's Supersonic Dischargers—used on fighter jets and qualified to withstand extreme speed—have been used on a space tourism aircraft. Despite not being developed specifically for that application, DG’s supersonic discharger successfully withstood the space environment. Dischargers range from the original 1940s DG patented "wicks" used on such vintage aircraft as the DC-3, to the Null Field Ortho-Decoupled Discharger. DG also designs and manufactures Micro-point Dischargers, Carbon-point Dischargers, and our newly developed Composite Dischargers.

Lightning test study for aircraft radomes in our facility.


We are the Lightning Protection experts helping each of our customers prevent and/or solve lightning issues. To protect sensitive aircraft components from damage due to lightning strikes, DG designs and manufactures numerous proven, state-of-the-art Lightning Protection products. These include: Lightning Diverter Segmented Strips, Strikeguard Lightning Diverter Tape, HF Lightning Arresters, Adjustable Spark Gap Lightning Arrester, and Lightning Protection Kits

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DG supplies a variety of RF components such as filters, couplers, and other products to work in conjunction with our Antennas.

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DG provides additional accessories such as Gaskets, Adhesives, etc.

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We also develop


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Dayton-Granger, Inc.
3299 SW 9th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315